Autumn is the perfect time of year to gather around the fire for storytelling. What many people may not realize is that many of the ghost stories and legends told this time of year are actually a great way to learn about history, culture and even nature. Many campfire stories involve creatures that may or […]
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Have you ever heard of lawn bowling? I hadn’t either until I started working at Little Miami Golf Center. Lawn bowling has roots as far back as 3,000 to 4,000 years ago. The Romans introduced the game to Europe, and in 1209 the Southampton Old Bowling Green Club was established in England. In 1864 a […]
Read moreEarly settlers were toiling in the fields, cooled by the morning dew that burned away under the sun. Smoke was rising from the chimney as venison was being cooked for lunch. Children were playing Graces in the front yard while others picked pawpaws, patiently waiting for the first frost when the persimmons would be ready. […]
Read moreSeeing an arrowhead can evoke vivid images of Native Americans with bow and arrow in hand stalking prey. However, most of Ohio’s stone tools tell a different tale: the tale of the atlatl. The atlatl is essentially a simple machine that uses leverage to increase the dart’s velocity. The same principle of throwing an atlatl […]
Read moreThe word “solstice” in Latin means “sun stands still.” December 21 is the winter solstice, which is the day with the least amount of sunlight for the year here in Cincinnati. It also marks the first day of winter. The sun rises at 7:54 a.m. and sets at 5:19 p.m. — that’s a whole three seconds less sunlight than […]
Read moreShe was known for years at Great Parks’ annual Weekend in 1800s event as “the butter lady.” Sitting in the big chair made of walnut wood, she would butter crackers for guests with her fresh-churned butter. With each tasty cracker she passed out, she would share a smile along with a story. Many guests would […]
Read moreIn celebration of a certain movie that is soon to be released, I would like to share a short story. As a small child, I witnessed an event that changed my life forever. Three velociraptors, the most terrifying yet thrilling creatures I have ever seen, had surrounded Dr. Grant and his companions. It seemed there […]
Read moreOur language reflects a time when we lived close to the land. Agricultural terms are pervasive in our language. Since I live in Cincinnati, lovingly known at one time as “Porkopolis,” it seems appropriate to consider words and idioms (a word with a figurative meaning) that come from the pig! February is filled with holidays. […]
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