Tag: hamilton county

A striped skunk is on high alert, ready to defend itself.

Stripes may look good on your cat, but don’t get the striations from Mephitis mephitis mixed up with your pet. You might end up with an acrid stench you won’t be able to easily get rid of. About the same size as the average pet cat, striped skunks have a small head and short legs. […]

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Dark-eyed junco

Spying Snowbirds

All, Stories

Typically when we think snowbird, we think of our grandparents heading to Florida for the winter. They escape the cold and fly south to the sunny shores of the Gulf of Mexico. But did you know there are also snowbirds who fly south to your backyard every winter? Before you call the police, don’t worry; […]

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A Great Parks employee reads a story to children.

During the summer of 1996, I volunteered for Great Parks of Hamilton County helping with children’s summer camps. Throughout camp, I assisted the staff in guiding several nature activities, crafts and hikes with the kids. On the last day, I was asked to take the lead and read a story to the younger participants. This […]

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Yoshi the Llama

December is the most wonderful time of the year. The holidays are almost here, putting people in high spirits … especially for National Llama Day! Never heard of this holiday? No prob-llama! The Great Parks marketing team ventured over to Parky’s Farm to learn more about these fuzzy camelids. Meet Yoshi Yoshi is the sole […]

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Canada Geese Snow Prints Winton Lake

During the fall and winter seasons, we often witness waterfowl in southern Ohio without taking into consideration the migration that is going on around us. Many birds use this area as a temporary home during their migration. Throughout this migration period, Southern Ohio becomes home to numerous species, which come from northern states and Canadian […]

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For the last 33 years, Great Parks has conducted a butterfly count in the western Hamilton County parks headed by former Great Parks Ranger and current VIP Bob Nuhn, in collaboration with the North American Butterfly Association. One Saturday every July, employees, volunteers and the public head out with sunscreen and binoculars to count the number […]

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If you’ve spent any time at Winton Woods Campground this summer, you may have witnessed a rather unnerving site. Just as the sun is setting and daylight begins to fade, large birds with a six-foot wingspan glide in and cover the trees. A closer look reveals huge wings, a naked head and a razor sharp […]

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