Have you spotted North America’s smallest falcon around Hamilton County? While American Kestrels are quite adaptable, they sometimes need a little assistance. Conservation Biologist Jack shares why American Kestrels need a specific kind of nesting box and how it can help boost their population.
Read moreTag: raptors
Great Parks nature interpreter Stephanie answers your nature-related questions in this video series.
Read moreLearn more about everyone’s favorite scavenger, the black vulture, in this word search.
Read moreWith autumn here at last, the weather is growing colder, and the days shorter. Fall isn’t just the season of pumpkin spice-flavored everything, however. It’s also one of the best times to look and listen for nocturnal wildlife. Falling leaves make it easier to spot roosting birds, especially when the now-bare branches are backlit by […]
Read moreEarlier in the summer, we at Great Parks said goodbye to our old friend and co-worker, Missy. Missy was responsible for training nature interpreters to work with birds of prey and teaching children the importance of a healthy ecosystem. She interacted with well over 50,000 people in her 32-year tenure with Great Parks. Missy wasn’t […]
Read moreThe newest addition to our Great Parks’ animal ambassador team is an eastern screech owl (Megascops asio). As such a new member to our team, she doesn’t have a name yet. However, this particular owl has an injury to the retina in her left eye, rendering her blind, and thereby not able to survive in […]
Read moreOur national symbol, the bald eagle, begins to think spring earlier than some other animals. This is a great time of year to put your eye to the skies for an opportunity to see this bird soaring above. Here are six facts to keep in mind as you keep watch: 1. They’re picky about where […]
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