A Tribute to Dumplin’
A priceless pony named Dumplin’ brought immeasurable joy to literally thousands of people in Hamilton County. Soft and fluffy, she stood perfectly still while fingers explored the depths of her downy coat and hands young and old learned to love and trust. She
taught new riders to think ahead and pay attention, always with a willing attitude, and didn’t seem to mind inexperienced tugs on the reins. As she trotted around the arena, little legs hanging down from the saddle bounced on her sides, feeling the warmth that emanated from every inch of her rotund 500 pound body. After a joyful ride, or simply walking past her
stall, her cute brown face and honey colored mane beckoned pats and kind words. Often, apples and carrots would find their way into her food dish. She was a picture perfect lesson pony. Doing something that no person could ever achieve, her contributions
to our community are incalculable.
Every day, there are dozens of amazing horses and ponies at the Riding Center offering contributions like Dumplin’s, with whom we can build relationships that deepen and broaden our connection with the natural world. These treasured animals frequently become part of the Winton Woods Riding Center program as charitable donations from individuals and families looking for a good home for their beloved horse or pony. A dedicated group of WWRC staff and volunteers provide daily care and training for these wonderful animals. Please stop by and visit with these great horses and ponies.
Katherine Townsend, Volunteer, Winton Woods Riding Center