Social Distancing With Your Furry Friend
Taking a hike with your pup? Here are some trail etiquette tips to follow when out and about with your four-legged friend.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health both recommend we keep at least 6 feet away from others. This can be challenging when taking a hike, but can be easier when you’re with your dog.
- Did you know that the standard length of a dog leash is 6 feet? What a perfect way to measure the appropriate social distance while on the trail! And this is the leash length that Great Parks requires all park guests to follow when visiting a park.
- Not all trails are the same width. When possible, hike clockwise, in a single file line on trails. This helps reduce the need to pass other park guests.
- Remember to pack out all waste (including pet waste), and bring it home with you to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
- Please visit less busy parks and during non-peak times.
Stay happy and healthy friends!
Adventure Outpost Team