June is Women’s Golf Month!

On the Green

Great Parks is celebrating Women’s Golf all month long! Women’s Golf Month is supported by the PGA and celebrates golf as a year-long sport and recreation for women. More than 135,000 people nationwide have been introduced or re-introduced to the game of golf over the past five years during Women’s Golf Month, which premiered in 2005 as Women’s Golf Week, and statistics have consistently shown that 34 percent of these are beginners.


All seven Great Parks of Hamilton County golf courses will be participating in Women’s Golf Month. Throughout June, play specials will be offered at each course, as well as practice specials at Meadow Links & Golf Academy.

Women’s Golf Month Discounts & Coupons

For those just getting into the game, Miami Whitewater Forest is forming 4 and 5-hole leagues as well as Get Golf Ready classes. Miami Whitewater Forest PGA Golf Professional Mike Uffman is offering 20% off any private or semi-private lessons for women in June. For more information, call 513-367-4627.

At Sharon Woods, a 9-hole Lady 9ers League is available. This fun, social 11-week league runs through August, so come out to the second event on Sunday, June 8. Shawnee Lookout is also forming a Couples League in June that plays on Friday evenings and begins on June 13. For more information on the Couples League, call 513-941-0120.

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Hope to see you out there!

Doug Stultz, PGA Golf Manager