A Good Kind of Meltdown!
I see light at the end of this dark winter tunnel! Miami Whitewater Forest lake is about half clear of ice this morning. With back to back 65 degree sunny days, we should be rid of all ice by Wednesday. This bodes well for our opening day this Saturday, March 15, 2014!
When you consider that there hasn’t been a line cast into this lake since last fall…the fishing should be excellent! We will see a few of the giant catfish caught, they always seem to eat well right after ice-off. Cut gizzard shad and live bluegill should be the best options. The narrow section of the lake near the driving range is a good starting spot. Crappie fishing will be good, and will get better week by week through April. You can’t go wrong with live minnows.
Lake Isabella is now open daily. They stocked 750 pounds of trout last Friday. Trout will be stocked weekly through March 28. Anglers had good success with berkley trout bait over the weekend.
Neal Ramsey, District Recreation Manager