Big Cats are on the Prowl!
The water at Miami Whitewater Forest has finally reached 58 degrees, and suddenly the big catfish are actively feeding. Jeff Benzing of Fairfield, Ohio, caught a beautiful 30-pound blue cat on a bluegill just a few days ago. He said he caught the fish offshore and that it took about 10 minutes to land!
Don’t forget that the next series in the Panfish Cup tournament will be this Saturday, May 5, at Winton Woods Lake from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The lake is in great condition, so I expect a huge weigh-in. I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes more than 50 pounds of bluegill and crappie to win!
Lake Isabella is shaping up to be a hot spot, too. We stocked 2,000 pounds of channel catfish in April and another 2,750 pounds is scheduled for May. And here’s a hint for what’s producing best: chicken liver fished deadline.
Take advantage of this pretty spring weather and get out on the water…the fish are biting!
Neal Ramsey, District Recreation Manager