Signs of spring have been popping up the last few weeks. The sunshine, warming temperatures – even a short morning drizzle all have me daydreaming of the many miles of hiking and backpacking that lie ahead this year. I cannot wait to get my boots muddy! As an avid hiker and backpacker, I have had […]
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Your health, mood and overall well-being will improve if you get outside and do just that: take a hike. Although walking anywhere is good for you, there is evidence that walking in nature takes it a step further (pardon the pun). Coined a “Wilderness Prophet” and “The Father of Our National Parks,” renowned naturalist John […]
Read moreAs the self-proclaimed authority on everything, the Internet has a day for just about any occasion. It’s only logical that November 17 was deemed National Take a Hike Day. Of course, with 78 miles of nature, paved, fitness, horse and mountain bike trails at Great Parks, this is the perfect day to get outside and explore […]
Read moreSomething that I enjoy listening for on a cold winter morning is the cheery song of a robin perched high atop a roof, a tree, or anything else that’s tall. I once read that male robins sing in the morning if they have enough energy left over from keeping warm through the night. I know […]
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