Coloring Page: The ABCs of Ohio Plants & Animals | K
We’re giving you some fun coloring activities! Here, you’ll find a fun coloring sheet featuring the ABCs of Ohio’s native flora and fauna.
Did you know Karner blue butterflies (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) only have a wingspan of one inch? That’s about the same size of a traditional U.S. postage stamp! Spotting these diminutive butterflies is a rare sight, as Karner blues are a statewide and nationwide endangered species.

If you do see Karner blue butterflies, it may be easier to spot a male than a female. The males have a silvery or dark blue topside with with narrow black margins. Females have a grayish brown, especially on the outer portions of the wings, to blue topside, with irregular bands of orange crescents inside the narrow black border. The underside of both males and females is gray with a continuous band of orange crescents along the edges of both wings and with scattered black spots circled with white.
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