Coloring Page: The ABCs of Ohio Plants & Animals | J
We’re giving you some fun coloring activities! Here, you’ll find a fun coloring sheet featuring the ABCs of Ohio’s native flora and fauna.
These curious-looking perennials also have a curious name. Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) got its name because it reminded people of a pastor in a pulpit; the spadix (a spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe) is the “Jack,” while the spathe (a large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster) is the “pulpit.”
Get more coloring pages here!

April is Ohio Native Plant Month, a vision dedicated to building public awareness and communicating the importance of native plants in our state. Great Parks is proud to be a partner of this movement.
We’re supporting Ohio Native Plant Month through our 100,000 Tree Challenge. This challenge is in response to the United Nations 2020 International Year of Plant Health to plant 1.2 trillion trees. To recognize this effort, Great Parks will be planting more than 900 native trees this year.