Awesome Photo Walk Photos

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One Sunday a month, shutter-happy people gather at a different Great Park to photograph whatever catches their eye. The program is open to everybody and every ability level. Phone, point-and-shoot and digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras are all welcome! Below are some photographs from participants. Enjoy!

A group of adults walks down a paved trail. With cameras and water bottles in hand, everyone is prepared to take a snapshot during this sunny afternoon.
Photo Walks always begin the same way: finding the perfect trail to capture the best picture.
(Photo: Bill Hart)
Through the leaves, the creek at Sharon Woods gives way to Buckeye Falls in the background.
Sharon Woods is quite often a perfectly picturesque park.
(Photo: Amy Roell)
A gnat ogre fly (Genus: Holcocephala) poses on a flower stem.
Get up close and personal with wildlife you may not have encountered before, like gnat ogre flies (Holcocephalus fuscus).
(Photo: Paul Seevers)
A bee pollinates a bright yellow flower. On the bee's legs is a corbicula or pollen basket.
Do you see the chunk of gold on this bee’s legs? That’s a corbicula, or pollen basket. Corbiculae are part of the bee’s tibia and are used in harvesting pollen to carry it back to the hive.
(Photo: Mike Seipel)
An extreme close-up of a leaf shows varying colors and shades of browns, oranges, some reds and a hint of greens.
Pictures aren’t limited to wildlife; have you every looked at plant life from a different perspective?
(Photo: Dareen Seipel)
At the bottom, a bee pollinates a prairie dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum), a bright yellow flower. At the top of the prairie dock, a sweat bee rests.
Sometimes, nature lets humans see something that you may not have noticed before. The bee on the bottom is also gathering pollen in its corbicula.
(Photo: Paul Seevers)
An eastern screech owl (Megascops asio) peers down over Sharon Woods.
(Photo: Malinda Hartong)
A drooping trillium (Trillium flexipes) right before its flower blooms.
The white flower of drooping trillium (Trillium flexipes) creates a contrast against this dark background.
(Photo: Emily Eagen)
A newly bloomed drooping trillium (Trillium flexipes) shows off its eponymous petals.
The drooping trillium receives its name from not only the way the flower droops from the long peduncle, but also its three petals.
(Photo: Emily Eagen)

Who knows, you may even find a new favorite hobby or discover a new found love of nature.

Have an awesome nature photo of your own? Share it on social media with the hashtag #GreatParksofHamiltonCounty.

Visit Great Parks’ calendar to join the next Photo Walk.

Paul Seevers
Nature Interpreter, Farbach-Werner Nature Preserve