In Like a Lion!
Well, March has come in like a lion…bummer! For those of us that cannot wait to get on the water, that is pretty terrible news. As of today, we still have more than six inches of ice on the lake at Miami Whitewater Forest.
That news pretty much dooms opening day at Miami Whitewater Forest this weekend, and Sunday’s Panfish Cup tournament had to be re-scheduled for April 19. The extended forecast does give reason for hope, though, so we will spend this weekend moving boats out of winter storage. If we get rid of this ice, Miami Whitewater Forest Boathouse will open on March 15.
Lake Isabella does have some open water. Trout stocking begins this Friday, March 7, with 750 pounds. The trout will be stocked weekly through March 28. Also starting Friday, the boathouse will also be open daily and fully stocked with bait and tackle.
It’s time to put new line on those reels and organize your tackle. Spring is almost here!
Neal Ramsey, District Recreation Manager