Veteran Returns to the Links

On the Green

On September 21, 2015, I had the pleasure to meet and work with Bobby Van Landingham through our SoloRider program at Meadow Links & Golf Academy.  There was an instant connection, and I knew right away he was determined to get back on the course and play again. An Air Force Veteran (1962-1966), Bobby found out about our program through the Cincinnati VA. Because of his disability, he was unable to play golf the same way he had all his life. Through an instructional session on the range, as well as several trips to the course to play a few holes at a time, he quickly adapted to his new way of playing golf.  Determined not to let anything get in his way, he set his sights on returning to the course to play another round with his golfing buddies of over 30 years.  On October 22, 2015, at Little Miami Golf Center, he teed it up again with Richard Morgan, Harry Zimmer, Bill Clevenger and Ken Beringhaus.  The scores that day will soon be forgotten, but I know the round of golf will last a lifetime for each of them.

veteran solorider